Wenn die Maschine die Aktienauswahl uebernimmt

Handelsblatt Online, 07.05.2021. Einige deutsche Geldverwalter arbeiten mit KI-Systemen. Dafür interessieren sich Anleger bisher kaum, doch das könnte sich jetzt ändern. Künstliche Intelligenz ‘made in Germany’, eingesetzt zur Aktienauswahl? Das funktioniert teilweise gut und in der jüngsten Zeit noch besser. Die Pandemie hat die zur Verfügung stehenden Datenmengen enorm erhöht. Ein Pfund, mit dem die […]

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Thomson Reuters features Stockpulse: Social-media analytics emerging as surveillance tool for exchanges, banks to find market manipulation

This article, published on 18th Feb 2021 as part of Thomson Reuters Regulatory Intelligence Magazine and written by Henry Engler, delivers insights of Stockpulse`s latest surveillance tool for exchanges. The growing influence of social media platforms such as Twitter and Reddit in moving stock prices has led major exchanges around the world to apply machine […]

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Stockpulse Newsletter on Emotional Data Intelligence: Major Data Updates, Market Trends, and Emotional Data Indices

Stockpulse strives to achieve always more for its clients. We listen to our clients and we will continue to improve our offerings. In our latest update, we have tremendously extended our coverage for Asia, added more filter possibilities and greater in-depth tools to analyze our data sets specifically to your needs. ESG is embedded in […]

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