Our Data Concepts
There are many different views on our data. Two main indicators are Buzz and Sentiment which express the emotions of market participants. We also cover major financial key events and topics.
We deliver insights on the market sentiments in real-time.

Buzz is a weighted and relative measure of volume or intensity of communication. The buzz indicates the level of attention of a title. We express the buzz value in percentage points. The buzz value refers to the number of opinions, tweets, and messages collected.
100% means average. A buzz value of 1000% shows attention 10 times above average. Our system calculates the buzz value in real-time. Each subsequently collected message or post increases the buzz value regarding the corresponding average. The point of reference is always the buzz value of the previous day and time.
Sentiment is a weighted and relative measure for positive and nega- tive message counts. Stockpulse schedules the sentiment on a range of -100 (very negative) to +100 points (very positive). Every message has an individual numerical score that can represent the content of messages, tweets, posts, and market participants’ opinions of a stock. Our fully automatic system scans Social Media for relevant opinions and messages permanently. It instantly analyzes and classifies the messages, separates factual information from spam, and evaluates content and sentiment. Stockpulse schedules the sentiment on a range of -100 (very negative) to +100 points (very positive).
All real-time data is processed and updated subsequently.

Stockpulse applies latent dirichlet allocation (LDA) to each message it collects.
LDA is a method from the field of sentiment analysis to cluster topics in arbitrary texts.
We are also using BERT to cluster topics and identify important key words and phrases in communication.
Further links:
LDA (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latent_Dirichlet_allocation)
Bert (https://towardsdatascience.com/topic-modeling-with-bert-779f7db187e6)
Author Statistics
An author is either a single Social Media user or an entity like a company, trust, or organization
Information about authors of messages, e.g. their impact score (a proxy for reputation) or their average message counts

Persons (executive personnel of listed companies)
Products (of listed companies)
Stockpulse screens individual messages of persons and products and provides information on all entities listed.
Key Events
Key events are special events related to financial markets like central bank rate decisions or quarterly earnings reports and merger announcements. Stockpulse tracks additional key events in Social Media in more than 180 different categories.